The Truth About Cancer

Allen's Offroad

New member
Cancer Will Kill Nearly 8 Million People This Year.
They're Hiding the Truth on How NOT to Be One of Them.
We're About to Reveal Everything...

Discover the most effective ways to prevent and beat cancer you aren’t being told about anywhere else. Over 1.2 million people are signed up to watch this life-saving 9-part series starting April 12. Don’t be left out. Enter your name and email below right now to see the entire series — for free.

Check out the trailer below. If you are intersted, sign up. It's Free! With this issue running wild through our society, you are bound to know someone that has it or has had it. If you have lost someone to it like I have, my sympathies.

Watch all 9 episodes for free and decide for yourself.

Have a blessed and prosperous day!

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Is this a hack?

No no hack. I posted it. Thought maybe someone might benefit from it. I personally believe most traditional doctoring is nothing but treating symptoms or cutting the issue away. Also, all drugs on the market originally had there form in a plant and natural mineral basis. Thus, this post. Check it out. If you believe it or not, it is worth a look see to get the questioning side of your brain working.

Have a blessed and prosperous day!

Cancer is horrible, couldn't agree more.

Word of caution: You are giving up your personal info for a promise of answers.
Personally I'm not signing up. The trailer tugs at your emotions but doesn't reveal the real topics. That makes me skeptical.

I get it. You do not have too. I told Terry that if this thread is causing such an issue. He can remove it. Is this info for everyone, yes. Will everyone feel drwan to participate, no. Freedom to choose for oneself is the most basic right we have. You as an individual human being should choose the path that is right for you.

Have a blessed and prosperous day!


Hang tight dude, have not watched. But got a bro that has throat cancer, removed his teeth to be able to cut open his throat to get to it. It breaks my heart. that is a part of life.
He has full back up that I can give him, it's terrible. But that's life.
Get your kicks while ya can,full throttle, enjoy. Life is good!