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    1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee A/C motor/fan air!

    Not to say what you did and what it fixed is untrue, but a disco'd vacuum hose fixing air flow and cruise control? The two are completely different and have totally different on/off procedures and mechanisms. I'm going to have to tear into my FSM because that just doesn't make sense. Then...
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    Jordan Pellegrino bought his first Jeep to come!

    What happened to this build thread? I just found it and am using it for ideas for an LJ or JK build. But it died. ??? :(
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    1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee A/C motor/fan air!

    I could write a long explanation or you could use - Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ 1999-2004 Trust me, it will become your bible. Join North American Grand Cherokee Association forum too.
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    1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee A/C motor/fan air!

    Blend door issue I bet. VERY common in the 99-04 WJs. The pins will break (weak plastic) but there's many ways to fix it. YouTube and/or - Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ 1999-2004