no speedometer


New member
i recently changed my tps. before i could get it changed my speedometer quit working. i installed the new tps and drove it down the road and it stalled out and the check engine light came on. i had it scanned and it came back with a speed sensor. i replaced the one on the transmission. the jeep is a 2002 liberty. i cleared the computer drove down the road and still no speedometer and the light came back on. i scanned it again and it still shows speed sensor. is there one on the rear end. this thing is driving me nuts:? any help at all would be greatly appreciated. thanks

It's on the tailshaft of the transfer case. You either have a short in the wire to the speed sensor, or need to loosen and twist the speed sensor so the spedo gear contacts the mainshaft of the transfer case.

Your mileage and performance will suffer until it is fixed.