'04 Jeep replacement tail light question


New member
I backed into a pole that was in my blind spot, smooth huh? Anyways, I cracked my rear bumper by the drivers side tail light as well as the tail light itself. The tail light is currently being held on with tape because the piece that's inside that fastens it to the vehicle is damaged and can no longer hold it on. I went to ebay to see about getting a replacement, but going from the picture I can't tell if it's just the outer shell or if it includes the whole assembly. Has anyone else had to replace theirs? Does it come in the whole assembly or is it 2 parts?

I'd submit the link to the ebay post, but it won't let me due to my low number of posts.


If your reffering to a liberty tail lamps, it's a one piece tail lamp assembly, meaning, the lens and housing is a one piece glued together.