Jet ski...water ski opening season, Friendly DC hospitality.


New member

In appreciation to all of you who have given me invaluable...MAJOR invaluable information on my XJ (did I emphasize XJ???? sounding stuck up...but XJs are the BEST) transformation...are invited to help my friends and I open the 2003 water season on the Potomac River near Washington, DC. You guys here at the bomb!!

Here is the skinny...we are shooting for the weekend of April 22-23. Wetsuits optional...we will have a modified class Custon 900 Kaw zxi sit down, and Jet Ski 550 limited class standup jet ski available for riding...along with 4 + or minus boats for you water skiiers. Those of you who have never been on a standup will be transformed (made into a Jet Ski purist} :)

We will be based out of Leeyslvania State Park, my brother who has as 25 person capacity boat that will be the the taxi (might be a LONG ride if you get him to bait 5 or 6 rods on the outriggers to catch dinner) from Leesylvania to Motowoman Creek on the Maryland side of the river. probably don't want to attempt a Potomac river crossing from Leesylvania State Park to the Maryand side of the river in your Jeep :) On Sunday the 23rd I have found someone who knows the railroad trails well along the river to be a guide, mud, sand, and 3 feet of water are the norm according to, make sure your rig can handle this kind of trail before beginning (Yea, right...not me I'll be watching from a boat or ATV :). Authentic cajun chef...and I mean AUTHENTIC making the gumbo, chicken, beef rib dinner on Sat night...


Email me for details ( to sink an XJ??? (got winch?)...namely mine after a few beers :) I can provide you with a map of a nice Potomac bank river run...well the first 100 feet anyway...after are on your own...and, have someone in your group with a winch. :).

Btw...I happened to notice our infamous webmaster is from Centreville, VA...all I gotta say is...come on down dude!, you are close to home!!

Camping is available at Leesylvania State Park...tents etc...below is the URL

edited by: vfrf2, Mar 02, 2003 - 09:23 AM[addsig]


that sounds tight, i may have to make the road trip[addsig]