

New member
( 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee ) Well im just having all kinds of problems this week / Well I have noticed the last 4 months my alarm has been going off for no reason I checked all the doors and it does it spiraticly like I can have the alarm armed for 12 + hours and it will never go off and then all of a sudden some days it goes off for no reason even when Im looking at the car and no one is around it. Any Suggestions?


It sounds like whatever proximity/motion sensor the alarm system uses is bad. This is probably either a mercury filled switch or a spring loaded switch that is sensitive to movement and is made to set off the alarm when movement is detected.

However, your problem sounds to me like a good reason to ditch the alarm system. If you are concerned about your Jeep getting stolen, you could install an immobilizer system instead. Much more effective without an alarm sounding evertime something passes by your Jeep 8)

-Nick :!:
Well I am going to call my Jeep dealer sometime this week, I think it is a sensor that detects a actual "hit" when the alarm goes off the engine cannot be started and you have to have the keyless entry to start the engine.