89 Cherokee, whirling noise.


New member
I know this is a out there question, but I am new at this.
I have a whirling noise in my engine. In the front near the belt. I had a mech. look into it and he said a ball bearing was busted in on of the fan point bearings set. Replaced it, not I have a different whirling noise. It starts after the engine has been running a few minutes. At a stop light it comes back, then when I give it gas is goes away.
I am trying to do this all my self. I have 150k miles on this and it is now worth only my time and love. How can I find out what needs to be replaced.
Thanks for helping out.

San Fran :?

my first step would be to remove the serpentine belt altogther and start the motor. NOTE: only run it for a few moments; the water pump won't be turning, neither will the fan, and you'll overheat quickly. with the belt off, hopefully it will run quiet as a mouse. this will tell you its one of the accessories. from there, try to single out where the noise is coming from...
Re: Had same problem.

The same exact thing happend to me about 2 weeks ago. I took off my serp. belt and spun everything. It turns out for me that it is the idler. pulley that is next to the a/c. I spun everything and that was the only thing that made noise. Also while the engine is running take a long screw driver touch it close to a area that is close to the pulley, and put your ear to the handle of the screw driver. You can hear the vibrations. BUT BE CAREFUL OF BELTS AND FANS!!! The idler pulley is about $15.00 from autozone.

Thats my two cents

Maybe the belt tensioner isn't adjusted properly or the belt had oil or something similar spilled on it. On older cherokees the Power steering pump pivots to act as the belt tensioner. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!: