Play in front u-joints


New member

My 98 Cherokee Sport 4x4 has some play in right front axle u-joint. I noticed about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch of play in the joint near the wheel when I rotate it back and forth. Also, the shaft has the same amount of play when I pull it in and out. How serious is this, how soon should I replace them, and what cost am I looking at for a shop to do it?

Thanks, Jon

If you have any play between where the cross part of the bearing goes into the caps, it´s time for a change. If it´s 1/4 plus inches like you mentioned (it´s past serious, all the way to immediate), it´s most probably, got to be noisey when turning a corner and will eventuall fail completely and/or mess up a yoke.
I´d get it fixed pretty quick, it will vibrate and can also mess up the axle shaft seals.
Prices vary, the job can take awhile and the hours add up, especially if it has never been apart before. Any competant mechanic can do it, it isn´t really a dealer only type thing. Though there are a few tricks, that might make it easier/cheaper, if your mech. is familiar with Jeeps.