Brake Conversion


New member
Well I am just about ready to start.
I have researched everything I need.
I am about to tear off any and all traces of the junk Bendix ABS from my Jeep and retrofit the system to a double diaphram vacuum boost stock system from a 1997.

I am going to wait till I can get a day off in the middle of the week. I plan on documenting the steps and taking plenty of pics for atech article.

I scored my donor parts on Friday, I got the booster, mastercylinder and prop valve all in one piece. BTW, I had to drop the column down in the wrecked Jeep to get access to the lower right-hand booster nut. It was tight for sure.
Does this sound normal?


Congrats. The only time I've removed a booster completely, I already had the column out so I'm of no help. Good luck, let us know.
does anyone know for sure how the mastercylinder resivour comes off of the body? It looks like two drift pins are all that holds it in place.