94 stalling


New member
New to site so I dont know if this has been adressed. My wife delivers mail in a 94 Cherokee Limited,4.0,auto,4x4,right hand drive,48,000 miles.It started stalling on her.If she waits a few minutes it starts right back up.
A friend put it on his computer and everthing checked good.We next checked pressure on fuel rail and got some air that came out before the gas.It didnt stall for a week after that.It started stalling again 2 days ago,so I barrowed my friends fuel gage to see if pump was going bad,mor air then gas again,hasnt stalled since. Any guesses what to try?:?|

loose fuel pipe unions from tank ?

low fuel in tank obvious I know but some women just get in and drive and don't think about fuel ( my wife does this to me- I leave the jep with a full tank get it back empty)
She delivers mail,so she fills it up every morning.Ive changed the fuel filterand today I changed the pressure regulator,no different.I toke it for a ride myself today and when it stalls theres no warning,no miss,nothing.You can keep trying to start it,but it wont.If you sit for about 15 mins. it fires right back up and runs perfect.It might stall once a day or it might stall 10 times.:?|