Transfer Case


New member
:shock: Here's the deal guys. the transfer case seems to be banging into the floor board. how do I stop this. it never did it until we had the converter taken off, due to over heating. (it was clogged) 86' jeep cherokee laredo. 2.8ltr.

any help, ideas.

the snubbers seem to be fine. [/b]

Somethings broken or not mounted correctly, either the transmission mount or the transmission torque mount.
You sure it's the transer case?

My converter bangs the cross member and it really sounds like the transfer case is going to fall off. there is a mount for the converter that slides into a mount on the cross member.

Tha's my two cents
Good point, if they put a straight pipe in they likely left out the exhaust mount at the transfer case. Could very well be that pipe hitting.