Fuel injector upgrade?


New member
I heard that the 4.0 TJ responds well to a fuel injector upgrade, is this true? What is involved in this upgrade (part number, lbs / hr, spray pattern, engine mods, fuel pressure, emissions & etc...) if this a valid modification? Any light shed on this question would be greatly appreciated.


I used injectors from a mid '90s Ford Crown Vic v8 in my '95 YJ, ran a lot smoother. Went from a single nozzle to 4 nozzles per injector.

I don't have a part number, just grabbed a bunch at the junkyard at $5 each :twisted:

Here's some good jeep injector tech: Login
Here's a good pic of the difference in nozzles, you can guess which one provides better fuel atomization.

Check this article out. I'm not sure on the part #s for your Rig. .jpmagazine.com/techarticles/engine/154_0811_preventing_jeep_engine_fires/index.html

Sorry I'm not old enough to link directly