Jeep won't start - somebody PLEASE help


New member

Went out to start jeep today. Jeep will start if I am giving it gas, but as soon as I take foot off gas, it dies. I live in a cold climate and sometimes that causes difficulty starting it, but today was a rather warm day. Not sure what is wrong. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

edited by: hmclean19, Jan 29, 2003 - 12:55 AM[addsig]


Hard to try and be of help, if we don´t know which kind of Jeep you have. Many models and engines act a little differently.
Most times when my vehicles, died without giving a little extra gas, it was due to fouled plugs (trying to run minus a cylinder or two). Rev it up some (2000 RPM or so and run it until it warms up). Could be someting more sinister, but heck try the easy things first.[addsig]

I think we will need a little help here, what year and engine will help. But if it runs with your foot on the gas I would have to guess you have a carb with a stuck choke. does it run allright after warming up? does it stall after coming to a stop? these thing tend to lead to a carb problem, if it is a AMC 258 it will proballble have these issues as the carb gets some miles on it, a good foam carb cleaner may help, but a can of carb dip and a rebuild kit will work better. good luck [addsig]

I think I have to agree. It sounds like maybe a stuck choke or fouled plugs. You check the choke by removing the carb cover and see if the choke plate is closed. If you notice black smoke when giving it gas you can bet you're either getting too much fuel or the fuel you're getting isn't being burned.[addsig]