VA: Lost Jeepers Poker Run Sunday Dec 6 Shoecreek to benefit UFWDA


New member
We will be having a Poker Run Sunday, Dec. 6th at 9AM at Shoecreek to raise money for the UFWDA (United Four Wheel Drive Association). The UFWDA works hard to keep the trails open for all of us to enjoy, and we'd like to help them out.

The Poker hands will be $10 (you can get more than one if you would like for $10 each additional), with 50% going to UFWDA and the remaining money to be split between 1st, 2nd and 3rd place hands. All that are interested can let Sharon ( ) know ASAP. Everyone's help is needed and appreciated. If you are not able to attend you may still donate. Please pass this info to everyone you can. All are welcome. Open to all 4WD vehicles. The trail is ok for stock 4WD vehicles. Bring your own lunch and drinks (non alcoholic please).

Starting at the bottom of the Shoe Creek trail. First card drawn there.
Other cards drawn at spots along the trail as you drive up the trail.
The first vehicle starts at 9 am. Last vehicle allowed at 11 am. Trail takes at least 2 hours (expect longer with card stops).
Last card drawn at the parking lot at the top (where the bathroom is).
You do not have to be present to win the best poker hand. You can leave your poker sheet with your contact info on it with the staff.

If you don't know how to get to the trailhead at Shoecreek, you can meet the group at the BP Station on the corner of Rt. 29S and Rt. 151 at 7:30 AM (rolling out at 8AM) to follow us in, you will be the first group heading up the trail at 9.

Hope some of you folks can make it.

Be well,
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Hey - a local event! I'm bummed that I'm currently in Denver for work and can't make it.

Richard, do you have a paypal address that I could send a donation to?
Calling for 2 - 6 inches of snow. Called the Montibello Store at Midday, 4 inches on the ground, snowin' like a big dog, supposed to snow all nite.

Hey Terry, I'll post that info up for you later tonight.

Be well,
Re: VA: URGENT! Lost Jeepers Poker Run Sunday Dec 6 Shoecreek to benefit UFWDA


Ok folks, just got the word that the event is going to be rescheduled for Saturday, December 19th, same time, same place.

2 of our members went to check out the Shoe Creek trail and just called on the way back from Amherst, the trail is impassable. 6 inches of snow, and still snowing.

Hey Terry, maybe you can make it now?

Be well,

OK, Terry, you can donate through the "Tank of Gas" campaign in the online United Store. You can donate any amount that you like either from the preselected amounts, or if you scroll down, at the bottom you can set your amount if the preset ones aren't what you would like to donate.

Donations : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

Thanks Terry for helping United to keep the trails open for all of us to enjoy!

For those of you that would like to, you can check out United's site here: . Membership is $20 for an individual membership, $15 if your group is a member of United already. In the upper right hand corner you can subscribe to United's E - newsletter, and you don't even have to be a member to do it, that way you can keep up with what their working on.

Be well,
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