Jeep Transformer


Active member
For those with kids, you may want to check this out.


Kids?! I'm gonna have to go toy shopping for myself today.

WOOHOO Hound Of course Hound was an old flatfendered Military issue.
Jeeppicus said:
Kids?! I'm gonna have to go toy shopping for myself today.
HAHA right on!! before i even scrolled down and saw your post that was exactly what went through my head.
I will be the envy of all my friends with that toy, well maybe not. KIDS? Geez, that's cool. Are they in toy stores guys? :lol: Let me know, cuz those stores are dangerous for me, I stay out if I can. Too much fun stuff in there but I gotta have one of those!


Hound used to be a mix between a CJ7 and a CJ3b

I am a trasformer purest! I want the original!

That best part was, no matter how hard my parents would try to transform those things, they couldnot!! And then you always had to make the "transformation sound" what you transformed them, you know the sound, don't pretend like you don't!!!

A friend of mine collects the old school ones and they catch a lot of cash on ebay! He has spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $4 grand on the things. and he won't let me play with them!!!