Who really won the debate? Gallup poll results


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That's why they call me Big Papa

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think each one better described John Kerry or George W. Bush during tonight's debate. How about -- [Random Order]?

2004 Sep 30

Expressed himself more clearly
60% Kerry
32% Bush
+28 Kerry

Had a good understanding of the issues
41% Kerry
41% Bush
+/- 0

Agreed with you more on the issues you care about
46% Kerry
49% Bush
+3 Bush

Was more believable
45% Kerry
50% Bush

+5 Bush

Was more likable
41% Kerry
48% Bush
+7 Bush

Demonstrated he is tough enough for the job
37% Kerry
54% Bush
+17 Bush

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... interesting. That sounds about what one might predict. I'd say that's pretty accurate'.
I watched a review of part of it this morning. Kerry has to back pedal and back pedal out of everything he says. I think bush did pretty good.

It is all just how you see things. Fact is Kerry out debated the man hands down. He stated more stats numbers facts and truths while keeping his cool through out the debate. There was less multiple statement repetes in the debate from Kerry. He held to the rules much cleaner. Like he said at one point "You can do anything you want if you change the rules" As Bush interjected verbaly yet again trying to get a extra unschduled rebutal in. There is not a dought at all Kerry won the debate. The question ask should have been Who did you like the best in the debate. Then maybe you could have said Bush won! Maybe that is.
TwistedCopper said:
What's with the lickin' chicken?

Actually, it's a Penguin, a Japanese character named "Badtz Maru". Yeah, he doesn't look like a penguin, but he rules. He's got a cult following of sorts.
Chevy Transfer Cases

Kerry "won". He is a better speaker.

The man wants to hand our ability to decide what is best for America over to the United Nations. Basing his well spoken argument on that point leads me to the opinion that he LOST the debate though.
Whenever I buy something, I'm more concerned with the quality of the product than the package it comes in. Kerry might come in a nice box, but the content sucks.

Tug-n-pull said:
It is all just how you see things. Fact is Kerry out debated the man hands down. He stated more stats numbers facts and truths while keeping his cool through out the debate. There was less multiple statement repetes in the debate from Kerry. He held to the rules much cleaner. Like he said at one point "You can do anything you want if you change the rules" As Bush interjected verbaly yet again trying to get a extra unschduled rebutal in. There is not a dought at all Kerry won the debate. The question ask should have been Who did you like the best in the debate. Then maybe you could have said Bush won! Maybe that is.

Whoa Whoa Whoa there nelly! Kerry won in the sense that he was more articulate and composed (after the first 30 mins), but as for his stats and facts and "truths", he lost his tail. He lied about saying he never said "liar" when referring to the info brought forth for the Iraqi war. He lied about the subway being closed for the republican convention (it was not - one station was closed). He lied about the Bush administration not spending "a nickel" on homeland security as it pertains to police forces. He was wrong about the sanctions on Iran (which were put in force during the previous administration). He insisted that "multilateral talks" should have been continued when dealing with Iraq, yet insisted they were the wrong method for North Korea - stating bi-lateral talks were more important. He criticized Bush for not equipping the troops with Kevlar while he voted against the bill that funds them. He referred to the radioactive material in question in North Korea as plutonium while in fact it was uranium. The list goes on, and Bush proprely rebutted most of those points. Not very articulately, but he did so.

If you listen to the mainstream media, all you hear about is how good Kerry looked with his spray on tan, his whitened teeth, his good posture and his suit. You hear about Bush's frustration and stammering. If that is what you go on then Kerry kicked his butt.

Bush did one thing solidly. He got his points across without leaving any doubt as to his position. Kerry left implications of what he will do and how he will do it.

Kerry says he'll bring the troops home in 4 years. I think a dealine like that will only put our troops in jeopardy as it puts political pressure on timelines. It was an irresponsible thing to say.

Yes, Kerry looked better, but if you get past the "look", he was all show and no go. I think the gallup polls reflect that.

Swap Started Today

Wow. I just rewatched the debate on C-Span in "Debate Podium Watch" split screen mode. No wonder the Bushies didn't want side-by-side from the networks!!

Oh my god, you've gotta see it. While Kerry is talking Bush is fidgeting, smirking, copious blinking, shaking his head, in general looking way in over his head.


Anyway, remember the line about black market nuclear material in a suitcase? As Kerry was saying it Bush whips his head to Kerry (now this is off camera on the networks) and raises his eyebrows with a look on his face like "What? OMG!"

The Gallup Poll doesn't necessarily reflect who WON, but rather who is winning. I think it says that Kerry WON the debate but is currently losing in over-all popularity.
mingez said:
TwistedCopper said:
What's with the lickin' chicken?

Actually, it's a Penguin, a Japanese character named "Badtz Maru". Yeah, he doesn't look like a penguin, but he rules. He's got a cult following of sorts.

Yeah I kinda figured it was a penguin, but lickin' chickin' sounded better than lickin' penguin :roll:

Kerry may have won the debate, but he's still a parrot. He will repeat whatever the people who are listening want to hear and can't stick to one side of any issue. Bush definitely isn't my favorite, but there's no way in hell I'd vote for kerry.
LadyJeepFreak said:
When will we have an option besides a rich protected white male to vote for? I hope in my life time!


Well that will be in the next election! We will have a rich protected white female to vote for. We have had two Bush's now looks like we will have a 2nd Clinton running. Less things change alot.

Now watch the bashing and feeding frenzy take off! hehehe tug

lol tug I know what you mean. It would be nice to see a woman running but some fresh meat would be nice!
graewulf said:
Kerry may have won the debate, but he's still a parrot. He will repeat whatever the people who are listening want to hear and can't stick to one side of any issue.
No offense, but anyone who doesn't think that BOTH men are guilty of being "parrots" is fooling themselves.

some fresh meat would be nice!
Fresh meat? I'll leave that one alone. :lol: