What Kind of Jeep Do You Own?

Way cool, Purple!! BTW, long time no see!!!

(Shoulda stuck with the square headlights, though!) :lol:
it just cut off...

Between my girlfriend and I was have the Jeep bug BAD!!

1962 CJ-6
1978 Cj-5 (soon to become a frame off rebuild)
1979 CJ-5
1979 Wagoneer
1981 CJ-7
1982 CJ-8
1986 Wagoneer (2 of these)
1994 YJ


Almost crashed suspension help needed ASAP

APPALED????????????? I'm sure my yj will go anywhere and then some then most (especially stock) tj's....Besides are we not supposed to be all family..........lol

RE: TFI upgrade, What is it?

'93 YJ with
- 3 1/2" BDS lift
- 33 X 12.5 BFG tires
- 411 gears
- Detroit lockers rear (soft lockers - front)
- Disc brake conversion rear
- Super axle rear
- Custom exhaust
- Swingaway bumper system with rack and Hi-Lift
- Quick air 2 compressor and air tank under the hood
- XM radio
- Optima battery
- Magnum 9K winch
- Neoprene seat covers

Re: Career Change 2: Radiologic Technology

'89 YJ 6 Cyl.

I guess you could call it a jeep, even if it is in pieces at the moment... :lol: