"Invisible Mode"


New member
I thought I'd post this here for visibility. (also posted in "forum related")

Many of you are in "invisible mode" and perhaps don't know you are. If you see an asterisk next to your name in the "ONLINE USERS" window on the home page, you're in invisible mode. When the switchover to the new software occurred, I was somehow switched over to invisible.

-To change this, go to site map (upper right hand.. last tab)

-select "Edit Options" (under user control panel)

-and the first thing you'll see is a window entiled "Login and Privacy"

-The first selection is "Use invisible mode" ...deselect the box.

Now we can see you...assuming that's what you want.

Well now, that explained many things. I was wondering why my posting times seemed off. It was because I was posting in Casablanca and Lisbon time! What does the invisible mode actually do? Thanks, KJ
But....what if I really AM invisible............do I still have to clear that box???? Will I still really be invisible when I walk the streets??? Or just on Jeepz??????? So many questions...........:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm wondering why anyone who actually signs up would want to be "invisible"................is there something to hide?????:???: :???: :???:
Utah_jeepster said:
Hey I am not invisable... and you all still treat me as !
Did somebody here something? Wow, I could have sworn I heard something...oh well!