

New member
figured maybe one of you jeepers has a SWR around maryland (baltimore to be specific) wondering if i could borrow it...any chances if one of you guys has one?

Heck, just run down to Radio Shack or the local truck stop and buy one...they're not that expensive.....$15 or so, last time I looked.
yeah well i just plunked down about 900 dollars on my jeep...i think i went over budget alittle...thats the only reason why
I have one, but it's somewhere buried in unpacked tools from when I moved. Sorry but it'll be at least a month before it sees the light of day again.

thats cool...i just wanted to get it tuned b/c im going to my friends relatives farm in flintstone MD, but found out they don't have any cb radios...
jakbob said:
thats cool...i just wanted to get it tuned b/c im going to my friends relatives farm in flintstone MD, but found out they don't have any cb radios...
Greenridge State Forest has an ORV trail right around the corner from there. It's 18 miles long. Open to the public... check it out while you're out there. Nothing too hardcore but great views and a decent trail.