state inspection laws


New member
ok, so i need to look into these for the states of kentucky, and georgia...the reason is, i plan to do this to my jeep (the cutting part, and the cage):


and i need to know if it will be able to pass inspection...oh yeah, the reason for the two states is that im becoming airborne infantry for the army and those are the states the bases for the units are in..

why not? its your jeep! do a nice job and make sure the roll cage actually adds structural integrity and i'm sure a shop wouldn't have a problem putting a sticker on it.

i live in PA so i don't know kentucky/georgia laws but a quick phone call to an inspection shop would do the trick...

glad to see that jeep is a stick, just like mine!
Jakbob, just because you'll be airborne infantry doesn't mean you will only be in one of those two states. Pretty good chance you may be, but there are many other places you could be at. Just food for thought.
well as far as i can tell, the bases that have the airborne units are the 82nd in benning and the 101st in campbell..

There are airborne units in other places, but your correct when it comes to Benning and Bragg being the majority. The deal is just because your airborne, that doesn't keep you in airborne units. Many airborne infantryman are in straightleg or mechanized divisions throughout the world. I hope you get Bragg or Benning if that is what you like, just food for thought. Have you been to Basic Training?
The screamin eagles (101st) are at Ft Campbell, but don't call them airborne, their air assault! Actually they are airborne, but some people get touchy. Take Care, KJ
no i leave august 3 for BCT and i figure im not gonna be in maryland for a while, so i want to know if my jeep thats getting chopped, so i can decide if its gonna be trailered or what not...