To good to be true?

Some performance chips work great, some don't really do anything. Its good to read reviews
you are only going to gain the 60 hp if you have intake, exhaust, and all the other supporting mods to go with it. Other then that you might be lucky to see a 15 hp gain, and 1 mpg if your lucky.

I'm happy with my current horse power, and certainly am not disappointed with my mpg. But it would. E nice to save the money in the long run. I will read some reviews and ask some questions. Thank you both for the advice
Too good to be true. The $399.99 crossed out and the advertised price of $69.00 should be the first clue.

It plugs into the IAT sensor circuit so it isn't a chip and it looks nothing like the picture. It likely sends a false reading to trick the computer to run rich, only benefiting you if you have other mods such as performance injectors, a performance intake and exhaust.

If you look around on the web you will likely find a way of doing the same thing to the IAT sensor for under $5 in parts at Radio Shack.

Does the TJ even have an IAT? I thought that was an XJ thing.
i didn't read the link, if it is one that plugs into your iat then its junk and you can make it your self with a resistor from radio shack.

a real performance chip that you put on your ecu motherboard is the one i am talking about. i bought a generic one on ebay from a dude for 35 bucks and i don't think it gave me 22 horsepower but it made the drive more fun. with my 19lb injector upgrade, a larger throttle body, and the straight pipes, my bmw was street racing honda eating monster. i usually beat M3s also

Is there a chip that could increase mpg substantially enough to be worth it or is that myth.
myth. the best you could do is a few mpg here and there, but i honestly doubt you could gain more than 3-4mpg without sacrificing on some other aspect.