The Matrix Revolution...


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Anyone seen it yet? Joel Segal from Good Morning America said (to sum it up) it basically sucked. What I wanna know is, did it really tank, or is it as good as all the hipe is making it out to be?

I just saw it. It wasn't anything like the last two. They barely even enter the matrix. I don't wanna tell ya too much but I'm still deciding whether I liked it or not!!!!! Not as many good one on one fight scenes as before. I'd say go see just for some closure.
I will see it, I am at the mall tonight working but I don't think I'll go tonight. I loved the first two and am sure I will like the third. Hey at least its not the same old sitcom or horror type movie they always put out these days. I am dying for Return of the King as I am a HUGE LOTR fan too.


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LadyJeepFreak said:
I am dying for Return of the King

Now that will be an opening day event for me as well. In my humble oppion the new Tolken films are by far and away one of the most well made movies adapeted from a book in ever. tug
I agree Tug, Return of the King will be a great movie, and Peter Jackson did an excellent job turning the books into great movies. I have yet to see Matrix Revolutions, but i'm not expecting much from it. I thought the second movie had a storyline that was streched, they explained too much of the story in dialouge rather then actual scenes, which were just action sequences.
Emergency Drive Light

The wakcosky brothers are wacko and I read that they are into the kinda crap that they show in this last one. The club scene if you watch it. I feel that the ending wasnt good at all, Awesome battle though Its not that bad of a movie

The idiots left it open for yet another matrix. They left so many things out and started strories but didn't finish them.
Don't make me puke! I wasn't particularly interested in the 2nd one plus Keeanu Reeves can't act.

I'll wait until it comes on "cable" so I can surf for something better to watch. :twisted:
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Reeves is the worst actor in the business. It's a running joke. I was a grip in Nash Bridges and the word "Keanu" was a code word for: "that was a crap scene."

I agree with Tug, the Tolken movies are easily the best fantasy/sci fi movies to ever come out. The technical skills alone it requires to make those movies is amazing, let alone the acting, location, budget etc.

And don't even get me started on how dissapointing the Star Wars films are. All the Gen Xer's I speak to think it is tainting the brilliance of the first three. Horrible.

I'm waiting for the next Harry Potter. Prisioner of Azakaban - that's gonna be the fn balls!
I don't have the time nor the money to go see movies... if i had money, i'd but an O2 sensor, if i had time, i'd install it.... though... if there were to be another Rocky movie to come out... i'd give it all up to see it... No movie will ever top Rocky II

keanu was good in the devils advocate. I will forever think of Al pacino as the face of the devil because of that film I highly recomendit if you havent seen the da
I read in an article recently that keanu would make a good silent actor. LOL That actually makes sense to me. He isn't a very good actor, but he's good at looking good :roll:

LOTR Rocks!! Best movie series ever, I think!

Star wars was a bit blah for me, the first one anyway. Second was okay and sure I'll see the third. Whats another three hours in my life?
