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  1. z_trbl_mkr

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving all :D
  2. z_trbl_mkr

    Put a face with the name

    Tis be updated pic of me
  3. z_trbl_mkr

    A way to show your support for Jeepz!

    I do believe I am now a fan :D
  4. z_trbl_mkr

    I'm baack... warning lots of pics

    Here are a few more pics from the rest of the trip. Grand Canyon New Mexico
  5. z_trbl_mkr

    I'm baack... warning lots of pics

    Yeah I know I disappeared for two weeks but I'm back now. Most of you probably didn't even notice. Anyhow, I just got back from driving cross country (Sacramento, CA to Gettysburg, PA) and it was awesome! I got to see so many things. Anywho, I wanted to share some of the pics I took of the...
  6. z_trbl_mkr

    paranormal activity: have you experienced any?

    thanks for sharing... i love this kinda stuff. As for whether or not I have experienced stuff. Kinda lol. I have a couple stories some I experienced some I didn't. My house has been here since before the civil war. Lincoln rode through our property on a train on his way to deliver the...
  7. z_trbl_mkr

    paranormal activity: have you experienced any?

    interesting ... but im a skeptic at heart cant help it. Looks almost like someone was walking in front of the window and they're reflection is what you saw.
  8. z_trbl_mkr

    paranormal activity: have you experienced any?

    So with Halloween only two weeks away, and me living in the area of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. I have to ask. Has anyone here ever experienced any paranormal activity?
  9. z_trbl_mkr

    Future plans.... any opinions?

    Thanks all for the comments :D Shewilly - Yupers. Collin the Hen - I agree, I'm not to fond of having a vehicle that I can't play with. But I figure it's blank canvas for me to practice and advertise with. So it can't hurt. Eventually I might build it to the point where I'll take her...
  10. z_trbl_mkr

    Future plans.... any opinions?

    So, when I bought the Jeep I had every intention to making it into a work vehicle/daily driver. I own a custom auto shop where we do everything and anything you name it. I mainly do all the book junk, engine rebuilds, paint & airbrush work. Anyhow here is what I figured for the Jeep so far...
  11. z_trbl_mkr

    Newbie from Central PA

    thanks all for the warm welcomes
  12. z_trbl_mkr

    curious wife!

  13. z_trbl_mkr

    This has to be STOPPED!!! I had shown my one car for 4 years and thank god I have never seen anything this bad. I would have had to find to owner just to smack him
  14. z_trbl_mkr

    Newbie from Central PA

    So after seeing the Jeep I ended up buying it. :punk: I can't wait to get started tinkering with it. :D Anyhow here are some pictures of the Wrangler Interior Small quarter size rust spot i need to repair
  15. z_trbl_mkr

    Newbie from Central PA

    Hey all, I'm a newbie into the Jeep world but not into the auto world. Found this forum and felt it might come in handy with learning some stuff about Jeeps. Anyhow, I am currently looking into purchasing a 1997 Jeep Wrangler SE, she's got around 117k on her and looks to be in pretty good...