
  1. S

    Death Wobble mechanic?? - DC / Arlington/ Reston area

    Hi all, long story short, anybody know of a reliable Jeep Wrangler JK mechanic in the Virginia area (Reston, Arlington, DC) to diagnose and fix a persistent death Wobble issue? Been experiencing the death wobble in the 60 mph range, at times very extreme. Tried having one mechanic fix it…...
  2. S

    Death Wobble mechanic?? - DC / Arlington/ Reston area

    Hi all, long story short, anybody know of a reliable Jeep Wrangler JK mechanic to diagnose and fix a persistent death Wobble issue? Been experiencing the death wobble in the 60 mph range, at times very extreme. Tried having one mechanic fix it…. They didn’t and determined unreliable (despite...
  3. Yj93

    Lift kit recommendations

    I have a 93 YJ that I think has 2 inch body lift and a 2.5 inch suspension lift I'm looking for recommendations for replacement kits It currently rides very rough I have a limited budget and It will be my daily driver so looking for reliable kits that ride well on highway i won't be doing...