82 CJ7 rear main seal Help!!


New member
Ok, I am a newbie so please excuse my ignorance! I have battled and battled to get the motor mounts, oil pan gasket, and main seal replaced. I finally got the bearing cap off and was able to replace the bottom seal with no problems. I attempted to remove the upper seal using a small screw driver or center punch....the darn thing (and i am being kind!) will not freaking budge :bomb: !!! In the process I did damage the seal that is currently in there so now there is no turning back!!!!!

I have battled with separate issues on every step of this project and its become very frustrating... If you have any kind of suggestions or trade secrets that may help me it would be VERY MUCH appreciated!!!!!


Don't use a sharp object to push the seal around the crank, it will only expand one end and make it more difficult to go around. Instead, use a blunt tip punch small enough not to score the crankshaft surface.
Makes sense! Will it come out fairly easily or will I have to work at for awhile? ...and once I get it out, I heard using dish soap or oil is key to getting the new one in....is it difficult putting the new one in? I'm worried that I bit too much off this time....not a good feeling!!
A liberal amount of oil will help installing the new seal. The old one just needs to be worked with and will come out.

Ok I'll take a break tonight and try it again tomorrow. Thanks for your help and advice!
Thanks again Steelheadz! I was able to get the upper seal out without any issues using a small torx screw driver. It actually popped right out! Anyway, both seals and the cap are back on! Moving on to the next thing!
Several things.....I had to pound out a dent on my oil pan so hopefully that won't leak! I need to replace my header, and then put my transmission and xfer case back in. I originally tore it down because my clutch popped and then I couldn't get it in gear. So I tore everything down. The clutch and plate look fine but the bearing looks like it came off of the fork which is weird. I'm running out of $$$ so I'm taking a chance by not replacing the clutch just the bearing and fork.

I am getting my butt kicked on every step, but I am learning a lot as I go. It's my toy, but I am very eager to get it back on the road. Oh yeah forgot, I need to drop the fuel tank and replace the fuel sending unit...my gauge is all whacked out and all the electrical seems to check out ok. I am going wait on that one though, I just want to go have fun first!
On that note, (throw out bearing), make sure you coat the input shaft bearing retainer tube with lithium grease. this will help the bearing from hanging up on the tube as it moves in and out as you engage and dis-engage the clutch. The only thing that retains that bearing to the fork is 2 small clips so binding on the tube is the worse scenario.

its funny you say that. The tube definitely has a worn flat spot on it from the bearing. Do I need to replace the tube? or a better question is will I be able to replace it without tearing up the transmission?
-lol I guess I can add that to the list...I'm laughing out loud as I'm typing this! Stay in touch I may need your help again!!!!

Ok, I officially drove my CJ around the block.....I wound up replacing the motor mounts, rear main seal, oil pan gasket, throw out bearing, fork and springs, xfer case pan gasket, ujoints, and rear pinion seal. So far no leaks! I found it hard to get into gears, but I think its because I havent mounted the transmission skid plate yet which will raise the transmission a couple of inches. Right now it looks like the clutch rod is binding on the spring; at least I hope thats what it is! We'll see. :D
I could be wrong but I believe that the skid plate is not just a skid plate.
In my CJ it also is the support for the Xfer case and I would not drive it without it being installed. It will through everything off and possibly do damage.
You are right. The reason I didn't install was with all that work I did I wanted to see if anything leaked or if the clutch worked. I had no intention of driving it any distance. I put the plate on today and still had the problem so I removed the clutch boot and watched the throw out bearing operate while someone pushed the clutch pedal. Turns out the clutch linkage was way out of adjustment. I made the adjustment and now everything is fine. Learned a lot on this go around!

Thanks for the heads up!

Ok, I officially drove my CJ around the block.....I wound up replacing the motor mounts, rear main seal, oil pan gasket, throw out bearing, fork and springs, xfer case pan gasket, ujoints, and rear pinion seal. So far no leaks! I found it hard to get into gears, but I think its because I havent mounted the transmission skid plate yet which will raise the transmission a couple of inches. Right now it looks like the clutch rod is binding on the spring; at least I hope thats what it is! We'll see. :D

hey, if you dont mind me asking what did you pay in total for all this? my own '74 cj5 is starting to sound like it will need some repairing too.
Not including the fluids it was around $300.00 without tallying everything its a guestament- definitely not over.

I swapped between 4wd.com and quadratec.com both were accurate and shipped right away which was nice when trying to time all this out. I had everything when I needed it.

A few cuts and bruises and now it drives pretty good with no leaks. The biggest pain was the oil pan and main seal, but once that was done it all went fairly well. A transmission jack is priceless!