clutch or clutch mechanism problems


New member
Hey all, just want to describe to you what happened to my jeep and see if this has happened to anyone else and how much it cost to get fixed. So, the last couple days, every once in a while when i would try to push the clutch in, it just wouldn't go in. I would just kick it a couple times and it would eventually go in. although one time when i was driving on a hill in SF, it wouldn't and i had to brake and i killed the car on the hill which was really really scary but nonetheless, most of the time it would go back in.

well, last night the same thing happened when i started up the jeep and it just wouldn't go in. i kicked it as hard as i could and nothing. so i tried to pull it the other way with my hand and see if it loosened anything. well, what happened was i pulled way to hard and pulled the little lever mechanism thing out so it was just hanging. i managed to put it back on just right so i could drive to my nearest service station although i had to ride the clutch the whole way but i saved having to tow it atleast. well, has this happened to anyone before? Will it just be a new clutch cable/mechanism or a whole new clutch?? thanks

hmmm...they are gonna put a new master cylinder in there. gonna run about $350 for everything. hopefully that fixes it!