Sorry that I am asking this.


New member
I just bought a '88 Chevy 350 with 70,000 miles on it and a 350 turbo transmission.
My dilemma is that my Dad just shipped out for Iraq and I have nobody to ask this.
But what all do I need to get this put into my '93 YJ. I know that this is a really rather "noob" question, but I just need to know what all I have to have to put this in and get it up and running.

Thank you for any replies.

What you're asking is quite an undertaking and I really don't think you're going to learn how to do it on a forum. I'd look for a local jeep club and talk to jeepers first-hand who have done the swap and can show you their rigs.

I did the swap in an '88 but used a carb'd 350, not all the fancy FI you're looking at messing with.
I just bought a '88 Chevy 350 with 70,000 miles on it and a 350 turbo transmission.
My dilemma is that my Dad just shipped out for Iraq and I have nobody to ask this.
But what all do I need to get this put into my '93 YJ. I know that this is a really rather "noob" question, but I just need to know what all I have to have to put this in and get it up and running.

Thank you for any replies.

You will need to source out motor mounts, and transmission mounts from Novak adapters. They have a large reference library of information there to help you with this type of swap. A larger radiator from Griffin alum radiators and electric fan. A under the hood wiring harness from painless.
Then piece it together.
Is your Dad a motorhead? I'll bet one of his friends would be more that happy to lend a hand, with him gone serving and all.

why not just drive the chevy, thats a solid platform and nice truck.
Drive your chevy to the levy, sounds like a bowl of worms. Johnny's idea seems to be the most logical thing to do until your dad gets back home. Otherwise your probbably going to end up with 2 dead vehicles.
yeah that is a good point.. the fuel pump went in the jeep today so i am going to have to add it to my list off things i need haha.. Just Empty Every Pocket, Right? hahaha... well thank you all for the input..
