adding to my lift?


New member
i have a 2.5" coil spacer lift with new shocks. i was wondering if it would be a good idea to just put on some longer springs, thus making a bigger lift. would i have to do anything else besides the springs (tc case?). thanks for everyone's help

Also, the new shocks i bought are ProComp MX6 shocks. I know they're adjustable, but I have no idea what I can do with that. Can I adjust them for a smoother ride (right now I feel every single bump). Do I have to grease them? Thanks
You don't have to grease them, but if they're the adjustable type just turn the dial in the opposite direction than it's in now.

You can add lift springs to your coil spacers, but I'd recommend an entire lift kit without using the spacers and sell the budget boost to offset the cost. You'll need either a TC drop or a SYE and CV rear driveshaft combo if you go up to a 4" kit.

If you want a good lift on a budget, pick up a pair of 3.5" or 4" front coils, can be had new or used pretty cheap, and then simply move the stock front coils to the rear. I've done it on several TJ's and it performs great.