alum wheels for Liberty


Thinking about replacing the OEM steel wheels on my 2006 Liberty with alum ones come the next tire replacement which will be soon.

I have absolutely no complaints with the steel OEM wheels other than aesthetics. The OEMs ride smooth with no detectable irregularities in spite of still having the original Wrangler tires on them.

Would I be asking for a slight amount of trouble given that the lighter weight wheels may alter the center of gravity on an already high CG vehicle?

I see plenty of higher end Libertys with factory alums but they appear to be a bit more massive than the ones I'm looking at at Discount Tire Co. They are the MB Five X wheels.

If anyone has reason to believe that it would be a mistake to put them on this vehicle please comment.

Thanks. :???:

What size aftermarket wheels are you reffering to?, If your after the aesthetics and want to keep it looking stock, you might find a set of wheels from e-bay. Another place to check is from a local dealer. Look for the sales manager and ask him/her if they have a set of OEM 06 Liberty aluminum Take off wheels. They have to sell it to you used since it's a take off .