Camp Jeep 2005 - some pics.


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Looking for a Jeep!!

Wow! Camp Jeep was incredible! It far surpased my expectations. There was so much to do along with wheel, which I did get the chance to do. I missed one of our trail rides, but caught the second. We took a Liberty on a trail/course. That little bugger did so good. I also took a Rubi Unlimited on a pretty tough 15 minute course and banged it up a bit. We climbed adventure tower, took a photography seminar, road a dirt bike course and ran through a remote control Jeep course. There was a concert Saturday and amazing fireworks. I'm probably forgetting some stuff, but it was well worth the cost of admission!

I know a lot of you didn't go, so I thought I'd share some of the pics we uploaded to QuinnProject. It's the first gallery. There's some pics of old Jeeps, Jeep concepts, and some assorted other stuff. Enjoy!

:O i saw a stciker :O
and no wonder Mr. Puffkins hates you, doesnt look like you let him tag along :( i wouldnt like you either
RE: I need some dirty pics

Love that "Mingez surrey" (and the comment)!!!! Looks like a really great time! Thanx for sharing.

Hi-Ya, PhattyX,

Thanks for sharing the "Camp Jeep" pictures.

I enjoyed looking at them.

My guesses on the airplanes:

Pic #36 -- B-29 (Superfortress)

Pic #37 -- P-51 (Mustang)

Pic #38 -- ?

Pic #39 -- ?

