For those who watched the Superbowl. No one posted this?

May not be safe, either. Send it to those that request it on a backchannel (PM or email), but not on the main forum. Thanks.
umm.... what are we speaking of here... i'm assuming something that is to be hidden from general audiences?

There were photos of everyone's favorite halftime performer, with a rather educational picture of what that silver thing was...
That doesnt belong here.Is it something you would want your younge kid to look at?Then dont post it.
It was a link to obscene pics and has been removed. Shoot Glass79CJ5dude a PM or email if this kinda thing interests you.

If it's not clean enough for CBS, it's not clean enough for :lol:

By all means feel free to debate whether you think it was acceptable to be on the halftime show or not, we know every other forum is debating it (please keep it clean).

I for one don't think it was acceptable and it's about time they crack down on indecency on the public channels. Hopefully they follow through with banning Ms. Jackson and that other guy :roll: from the Grammy's.

you would expect anything less from that family? its not even worth discussing... if she had a normal performance, now that would be worth discussing...
Sully said:
That doesnt belong here.Is it something you would want your younge kid to look at?Then dont post it.

How young is young? I know when I was 10, I would have killed to see this stuff! JK

I have it recorded on Tivo, so I am all set for a while! hehe
CJ7 Horn fix

Not even counting 'wardrobe malfunction', I think the whole half time show stunk. From the rap crap to Kid rock cutting and wearing an American flag, to the Jackson/Timberlake 'song', I didn't like one bit of it.

It stunk, It stunk, It stunk. :roll:

How young is young? I know when I was 10, I would have killed to see this stuff! JK

And there will be a time that you will kill to keep your 10 year old child from seeing it! tug
Not even counting 'wardrobe malfunction', I think the whole half time show stunk. From the rap crap to Kid rock cutting and wearing an American flag, to the Jackson/Timberlake 'song', I didn't like one bit of it.

It stunk, It stunk, It stunk.

Amen to that.... i was beginning to think i was the only one who had a problem with kid rocks "shirt" He might not have meant it disrespectfully, but it was. And yea, the rest of the show sucked too.

It's funny to me what shocks people in America is normal in other cultures. I spent some time in Europe and they show breasts on TV all the time. My favorite was a commercial for BMW airbags. They related it to being soft and cushiony like a woman's bosom.
If a breast on TV were acceptable here then they would have done something else equally shocking. I bet if you check, record sales are up and at least publicity is skyrocketing.
I'm glad they are all over MTV for the production of the half time show. MTV needs to be set down. I'm old enough to remember when they actually played music.
I am more uphauled by the trendy homosexual sitcoms these days than seeing a woman's breast. At least they didn't have "Queer Eye for the Tailgate Guy." {Picture a bunch of football fans with coordinated pink foam fingers and modern art face paintings all checking out the tightends.}

redrooster said:
It's funny to me what shocks people in America is normal in other cultures. I spent some time in Europe and they show breasts on TV all the time. My favorite was a commercial for BMW airbags. They related it to being soft and cushiony like a woman's bosom.
If a breast on TV were acceptable here then they would have done something else equally shocking. I bet if you check, record sales are up and at least publicity is skyrocketing.

Exactly, we are a bunch of Protestant Pilgrims still running around putting Scarlet Letters on anyone and everyone who is nude. Violence and nudity are all over Japanese and European TV, yet sexual misconduct and violent crime rates are considerably lower than that of the US.

I still definetly think that there should have been fair warning. Such a blatant publicity stunt. Janet- "oh my, my breast is exposed" Justin- "did I do that?" Yeah right. :roll:

That's right Johnny, TIVO rules!!
You know we're doing exactly what JJ and her new man want us to do, talk about them. If they wouldn't have done anything that outrageous, we wouldn't be talking(writing) about them three days after it happened. I think we should all just do ourselves a favour and don't give them the pleasure of being right, and stop discussing it. We all think it is wrong, and lets leave it at that. Had to let that out.

I didn't see it, don't care to, i don't think it is that big of a deal.. from what i hear, she was still covered... no worse than what we see in bikinis on tv all the time....

{Picture a bunch of football fans with coordinated pink foam fingers and modern art face paintings all checking out the tightends.}
It doesn't surprise me that they didn't do that... It seems as though media is PUSHING for homosexuality these days.. as if it is a prefered sexuality by the media.... it sickens me... No, I don't have a problem with people who are attracted to their own gender... but it is sickening to me what the media is doing for such acceptance.
mingez said:
Exactly, we are a bunch of Protestant Pilgrims still running around putting Scarlet Letters on anyone and everyone who is nude. Violence and nudity are all over Japanese and European TV, yet sexual misconduct and violent crime rates are considerably lower than that of the US.

Why is it you and I turn this forum into a typed version of "Hannity and Colmes"??? LOL - it's good to hear someone elses take, and here's mine:

Where on earth did you get that information? Crime rates are not lower in Europe than here in the US. Maybe in Japan, but definately not in Europe! When you have a disarmed citizenry, you have a venerable citizenry. Crime rates have skyrocketed in London and the "Bobbies" are now carrying firearms once again. Try walking through London with a Rolex and see how long it takes to have a gun or knife in your side.

Are you saying if we had more nudity on TV that sexual misconduct and violent crimes would lessen in this country?
I think a better solution would be to make punishments for such crimes harsher or maybe at least ENFORCE the laws that we already have!!!

As far as how things are done in other countries, this is not another country, and we have people leaving their homelands from all around the world to move here and live the american dream - just to critique us, but I don't see them in a hurry to leave and return to the perfect utopian societies they left! :lol:

I don't think asking for a little modesty in the media is too much to ask. Like posted earlier, there are plenty of places to see or do whatever you want in this country.

:lol: .Twisted copper,
I knew you wouldn't let me get away with saying that!!! :lol:

I do appreciate having differences in opinion on this site. That's what the forum is for. It IS always us debating on social issues isn't it!! I totally respect your thoughts on it. And most the time I agree. :)

I love this country, I love this message board!

First off, let me preface this by saying that I know my opinion is often the unpopular one on this board. I am by no means a bleeding heart liberal, but I am definetly not a conservative (as most on are). (please don't hold that against me.)

But, "pot-stirrer" that I am, I had to comment didn't I??? Hee hee.

To answer you question about my stats, I, being an Anthro major in College (sub-field cultural anthro) I had crime and statistics as a topic upon numerous occasions. I even thought of using that in my thesis, but too many had done so. But if you must, do a world stats search and see for yourself. But to save time, here is a great stat resource site where I set the statistical perameters to check 1st world EU and Asian countries. (Industrial, non-3rd world.)
Give it a second to load the stats:



murder with firearms-


If you check my post I said "Violent Crime". Yes UK is bad in crime overall. But we are still definetly amongst the worst as well.

You wrote: "Are you saying if we had more nudity on TV that sexual misconduct and violent crimes would lessen in this country? ".
No. I don't think that. I am merely stating that nudity in the media isn't the cause of all sexual deviancy in the our country, and that a quick comparison with other nations shows that control in deviance and crime is a culture phenomenon, and not the cause of media or the censorship of it.

You also wrote: "I think a better solution would be to make punishments for such crimes harsher or maybe at least ENFORCE the laws that we already have!!! "
I TOTALLY agree. See, it can happen. :)

So, should they have done it, I say no. But, I don't want there to be some ridiculous back lash in censorship. I think that would be as big of a tragedy.
All I'm saying is: we need to loosen up! We are getting a little too uptight. It's not THAT big of a deal...come on. Golly Gee Whizz.

I'm more offended by the pretense that it supposedly wasn't a staged stunt. That's an insult to our intelligence. :wink: