Hard Door ?'s


New member
RE: Steering box, comment & question.

as i'm sure many of you may have already experienced, jeep hard doors suck, i'm wondering if anybody out there has had any experience repairing the doors and or having them repaired. Both of my doors need to be repaired, i've tried to play with them myself but it only tends to correct the problem for a couple days at most. Basically my locks dont work, my interior door handles dont work, and my passenger side window is broken (wont go up, or down) ... im sick of having to roll down my window to let myself out and opening the door for all my passengers who cant roll their window down (while i'll admit it is quite chivalrous when on a date, it looks a little queer when i'm riding around with one of my boys) so if anybody has any tips on how to repair the doors or what kind of place to take the doors to for repair and how much these repairs might cost i'd greatly appriciate it. I'm looking at used doors on ebay for $500 + so anything less than that would be fine in the repair department.

RE: Google SMS-Am I the ONLY person who didn

I had to fix the locks in my hard doors when I bought my jeep. Take the interior panel off and there is another metal panel held on with screws. The locking mechanism is back there. I ended up just swirting some pb blaster in there... but there was more I had to do. I don't remember what piece exactly but one of the metal pieces was bent just enough to make the lock STAY locked. If you turn the lock back and forth and try the door handle when you have it open so you can watch it work, you will figure it out. It's not that complicated a system. I did that to mine 2 years ago and it is still working fine.


the problem that i'm having is that the rods that connect the inside door handle / lock to the mechanism behind that pannel must be bent, i went to a dealership to try and order new rods and they looked at me like i was crazy and told me they didnt sell that part....
RE: Re: RE: Differential Questions

take em out ande bend em back... if it was good enoufh for my old vette, good enough for a jeep :)
