Hey Sully....

It is cookin' in these parts.I heard that their were some temps at at least 112!And tommorow I am going wheeling with some guys and it is suposed to be even hotter! ah
Must be nice. It's in the 30s tonight here. I know it's colder in other places right now but I still haven't put my doors and windows back on. It's sort of a good thing because none of my friends want to ride in my jeep so I never have to be the DD anymore. :D
I was talking about the wildfires spreading all over the place there. I know the Santa Ana winds are fanning the flames pretty good by now. I lived out there for 4 years when I was in the Marines. I worked at the Helicopter base in Tustin.

There are 60 foot flames about 2 miles from my house!We have all our animals and such ready just in case we need to get out of here real quick.Until then,we are going to watch the fire all night.I hope it stops soon.It is to close for comfort. :(
Hi Sully,

I just watched some film clips of the fires on the Weather Channel.

I am astounded. We never have fires on that scale around here.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and your family.

Well,the fire has died down and I think is under control,but we still have got our eye on it.And the wind just picked up.And guess where it is headed.Yup,right in our direction!