Need help


New member
i finally got my yj all put back together and was in the driveway make sure everything work and tried to shift the transfer throught its gears only got it into neutral before it got stuck and now it wont come out of neutral?

Did you do work to the transmission during the jeep rebuild or just put it back in as it originally came out? Did the transmission function properly prior to the jeep rebuild?
had to replace the rear half of the transfer case during the rebuild but didnt mess with anything else in the transfer and put a new transfer linkage on.
I said transmission not the transfer case, sorry I miss typed, but I’m thinking the problem could be one of a two things. First the linkage may be binding as you changed it while the case was out. I would go back through the install and make sure all looks good. Second, gears inside the transfer case may not be lining up with things inside the case. You may want to try turning the guts to the case either by rolling the jeep forward and backwards if the rear drive line is in place but if not try turning the rear yoke by hand. It may be necessary to start the jeep and gently try releasing the case