Other Hobbies?

hahaha.... my list

1.)Drinking Beer
2.)Riding my quad
3.)Yelling at Privates
4.)And school... when I feel like going.

P.S. Anyone here from around the Hatfield/McCoy Area or ever been. I'm trying to plan a trip this summer durring "Dirt Days" and I want to know the best place to stay. so we can just unload and ride the quads to the trailheads.

I have Two dogs two cats two teenage sons one wife two real jobs no time no hobbies and I am quiet happy with them all. tug

Hunting (deer) and fishing (anywhere anytime - I used to carry a rod in my work truck before they got GPS :lol: )

SCUBA diving - Don't care how cold it is or if it's tropical! I've been diving up and down a good portyion of the East Coast from Cape Ann Mass to South Carolina. Not too much time for this these days, but I do when I can.
Ant other divers here???

Camping - although with 4 (really little) kids, the last time was in a cabin :wink:

Baseball (little league) Coach

Surfing - well, ok - the internet :oops:
I work a ton of hours, but other than that, my hobbies are:

Cooking (I can't seem to get enough of it at work)
Camping (in a tent in the woods, there's no other way)
Fixing/playing network games on my computer (in a house of 5 guys, there's always a lan party going on)
Fixing anything that needs fixing (because I do SO love it when my friends have a broken car or toilet or computer, and I can fix it in like 10 minutes)
And of course, playing my drums...

But besides all that, the most obvious one is staring under the hood of my jeep to see what makes it go :)
My other main diversions include:

Hunting/Fishing/Shooting/Misc. Outdoorsy Stuff

Classic Cars (mainly mid and full sized Mercury's and Fords '65-'72) Just sold my '66 Cyclone GT Convertable a couple months ago :cry:

My son, hanging out with him and stuff

Collecting ethnographic edged weapons (I buy mainly Khukuri's but also love Kerambits and Mandau's)

And of course consuming Beer

In the winter I read, fiddle around in my shop and research stuff on the net. Got a mess of really old appliances that I manage to keep going. Have 27 year old microwave oven, a 60 year old radio with tubes and a bunch of other junk, including a 16 year old Jeep, a 30 year old Dodge pick up and a 33 year old Chevy tow truck and a 50 some year old house, that fill up my free time.
I hunt, fish and generally have a pretty nice garden in the spring and summer.
I'm a nursing student sooo I dont really have time for much... but partying is up there on the list (hey I'm the normal college student!), snowboarding (year round!!!), and traveling - I've been to 48 of the 50 states... there's only Iowa and Hawaii left.... anyone wanna do some camping/wheeling in Iowa?!?! Also, watching/playing sports... I'm still crying about Syracuse beating Maryland... :cry:

Well theres a whole lot of people here that enjoy the same things as me, and a lot of people that do things id like to do!!

-Shooting guns. I love guns. I could spend all day shooting clay with a buddy or two.
-Camping/hiking/anything outdoors
-Sorta play around in photography. Cant afford to get into it as much as id like, but i have a nice camera and im slowly getting more of the equipment i like.
-Love watching racing and football.
-Love old cars, but cant afford to get into that. I can barely afford the jeep :)
-Id love to get into SCUBA. Was going to take a class next semester, but they wont let me do it for my PE credit. So screw the school, ill pay someone else for the training.

And the list goes on, but ill stop for now :)


P.S. Graewulf, what kind of photography? digital? film? just curious
One Word:


:oops: sorry, the weather is taunting us riders in Edmonton, snow then warm then rain then warm and repeat

but yah street and dirt :twisted: i just cant stay out of the mud
Ditching the Carter for what?

TwistedCopper said:
SCUBA diving - Don't care how cold it is or if it's tropical! I've been diving up and down a good portyion of the East Coast from Cape Ann Mass to South Carolina. Not too much time for this these days, but I do when I can.
Any other divers here???

TC - cant believe i forgot to list SCUBA diving!! i've been certified just over a year now, been down to the bahamas once, and done some diving on the cape more recently. one word: HEAVEN. most beautiful place in the world to be is underwater, so peaceful, so beautiful. i'm sure glad i took up scuba. this summer i'm going to get my lobster license and frequent the cape here (i live in boston). should be a good time, cant wait to log more hours.

Utah_jeepster - thats awesome, i really want to go for my advanced diver this summer. i'm really good friends with a certified instructor, so he's gonna help me out. and time permitting i hope to become a dive master in the near future. underwater is a great place to be. and i've told my friends about my trips and everything, it just doesnt hold the same weight to them, nobody understands where we come from because it is an indescribable (sp?) experience.

I work full time and commute 1.5-2 hours a day, so that doesn't leave alot of time to get in trouble during the week. I love going to Cubs games and watching Illini basketball, except for last night. @#$% Duke! I try to work out regularly, but have been lazy the past couple months. On the weekends I usually get together with my college buddies and drink beer. I have been spending alot of time lately trying to find a house to buy, but I haven't made much progress. My only real "hobby" is probably tinkering on my CJ. I don't spend too much time with it, but my girlfriend would disagree.
Here's some of my hobbies:

Working on cars, trucks, and of course my JEEP!!
racing/riding/working on dirt bikes
Pretty much anything that has a good torque to weight ratio
Lifting weights/working out
hanging out with friends (especially Friday and Saturday nights!!)

I guess that's pretty much it. That's what fills up my entire day, besides going to school

:D Very cool post, Lots of reading for me to catch up on. My list of hobbies or interests (outside Jeeps) is as follows:

Travel, Business/Pleasure
Music Appreciation
Writing (and Reading),
Animation & Design, Computer

There are too many to go on. I love Art, Nature, Music, Photography, Travel, animals, movies, beaches, and just everything! When its warm I love to be outside but I despise the cold so I hibernate all winter. I adore Movies but never have time to watch them. Also love video games but am no good at them and don't have time to play them. I work two jobs and am off and on a student. I love to learn anything and everything. There is always a bit of time here and there for hobbies I guess!

of course anything to do with the jeep, but other than that

jump out of perfectly good airplanes (as everyone says, but they haven't
seen the planes)
anything to do with music
rock climb
gas r/c trucks
into fishtanks lately

there's a few more, but those are the top ones.