Peugeot BA 10/5


New member
Has anyone rebuilt or had one rebuilt? Is it worth doing? Does anyone like this transmission? I am in need of major transmission work and am exploring options including swapping for an AX15. Service tech at local Jeep dealership says fixing the Peugeot is cheaper and preferred method??? He says Peugeot is great transmission. This goes against all else I hear. Anyone got any opinions? I don't use my Jeep for anything more extreme than flat muddy trail rides in Florida. No rock climbing expected. Thanks.
IMO the peugeot is 'okay', not really as bad as everybody says but not really worth putting much money into either. I had one in my '88 that held up pretty good behind the 350 I swapped in.

Rebuilding trannies is expensive, I'd go with a swapped in AX15 for a few hundred bucks. Go with '94+ and you get the benefit of the external clutch slave.