PLEASE Spank them KIDS


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BARSTOW, California (AP) -- An 11-year-old attacked her baby sitter with a machete during a struggle that included attempts by the girl to grab a baseball bat, a shovel and a BB gun, investigators said.

The girl fled on a bicycle after the attack but was arrested about an hour later and booked for investigation of assault with a deadly weapon, said Sgt. Doug Hubbard, of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department.

The 34-year-old sitter telephoned deputies after fending off the Tuesday attack and locking herself and the girl's 12-year-old sister in the bathroom of the Mojave Desert home, Hubbard said.

No serious injuries were reported.

The girl and the sitter had gotten into an argument over feeding a dog, and the girl began to beat and choke the animal, Hubbard said. The sitter tried to pry the girl off the dog.

The scuffle moved to the front yard, where the girl grabbed a shovel and then a baseball bat in an attempt to attack the woman, Hubbard said. The girl next found a BB gun, but the woman got it away from her, he said.

The altercation continued until the girl found the machete lying in the yard and began to chase the woman, who took refuge in the bathroom, Hubbard said.

Man, good thing I'm not a baby sitter. I would have gone back after the girl and beaten the crap out of her. If the parent are smart, they'll put that thing to sleep.
88Wrangles said:
Man, good thing I'm not a baby sitter. I would have gone back after the girl and beaten the crap out of her. If the parent are smart, they'll put that thing to sleep.
the kid? or the dog? one has to wonder in a situation like that.....what did the dog do wrong?

Anybody else wondering why

(1) A shovel

(2) A baseball bat

(3) A B-B gun

(4) A machete (useful in the California desert)

(5) A dog choking 11 year-old girl

are in someone's front yard?

Man! That must be one tough neighborhood!

Sign on the fence should read, "DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE DOG, BEWARE OF GIRL"


yea that was the first thot that came to mind, why there was a machete in the yard, i can understand why a baseball bat or maybe a shovel but a machete is a little out of the ordinary. i was watching that new wife trading show the other night and they switched this country wife with this liberal, animal rights wife. the daughter of the liberal wife was beyond belief. when the country wife asked her to do chores she acted like she was asked to go work construction and pay the bills for the entire family with being a surrogate mother to a mexican immigrant. i wanted to beat her to death. and then when the liberal wife found out her child had done chores she was bawling in tears. the generation after mine is gonna be nothing but slackers and pathetic hippies

Yeah... maybe. But I guarantee you that the house with the Machete in the front yard didn't belong to a hippy.

Barstow CA, Machete, BB gun, that's country my man. :wink:

unfortunatly the system works to the 11 year olds advatage. Although California still allows corporal punishment it is very strict. I spanked my stepson 3 times for lying several years ago. He went and told his father that he was spanked ten times for nothing at all. His Father called the police I believe just to stir up crap and filed a report on me. Me and my wife had to go down to the police station file a statement. Then a few weeks later child protective services came out and did an investigation and told us the that the few red splotches on his but was considered a little excessive. although it never went any farter than that is was still a pain. Kids push limits and know what they can get away with. I know another man who refused to let his teen daughter go to a party and for that she accused him of looking at her when she was undressed. He was not so lucky he went to prison for several years and now has to file as a sex offender. I know the reason for the laws to be there. I sure there are kids who are beaten and sexually assualted. But I think kids are abusing these laws.
But I think kids are abusing these laws.

You're absolutely right. When I worked as a paramedic in the ER, we often had young girls (10 to 14 years old) in for rape tests and counseling. Many times it turned out that the girls had snuck out of the home and had sex with either their boyfriend or any guy they happened to meet at a party, then their conscience caught up with them and the fear of getting pregnant drove them to report that they were raped....all to cover up the fact that they were doing something their parents didn't want them to do. We also had young girls and even the occasional woman that used rape complaints as a form of revenge. Young girls would get in trouble by their father or step-father, then to get revenge on them would file rape allegations against them. Fortunately, our hospital's rape investigation team was one of the best in the country and could prove through examination that the girls were not raped.

I've known kids that have called the SRS complaining about their parents beating them also just for revenge. It's a sad state of affairs we're in now. When I was a kid, teachers could and would swat you with a paddle or their bare hand. Every teacher I had from kindergarten through high school had a wooden paddle on their desk, and used it quite frequently. I still firmly believe that if parents would lay a belt across their kid's butts from time to time, we wouldn't have the problems we have now.
Yeah... maybe. But I guarantee you that the house with the Machete in the front yard didn't belong to a hippy.

Hey, Mingez, easy on the hippies! I happen to be an old hillbilly hippie and I happen to have a machete (actually a cane knife) in my front yard (to protect my home from the rain forest). Fortunately, I don't have any 11 year old daughters, but if I did, the two dogs wouldn't take that shite from anyone so I don't think the machete would be an issue.:mrgreen:

Stunning........these kids need better parents.
Maybe if Mom was home raising her own kids, baking cookies, and washing her husband's dirty underwear instead of trying to compete as the breadwinner this wouldn't have happened!!!

OMG JUST KIDDING!!! What a freak that kid!

TJ Turn signal flasher

I've known kids that have called the SRS complaining about their parents beating them also just for revenge. It's a sad state of affairs we're in now. When I was a kid, teachers could and would swat you with a paddle or their bare hand. Every teacher I had from kindergarten through high school had a wooden paddle on their desk, and used it quite frequently. I still firmly believe that if parents would lay a belt across their kid's butts from time to time, we wouldn't have the problems we have now.

I'll second that. I'm a brand new parent, so I can't speak from experience in that respect......but as a child, I got my butt beat alot. I'm a better person for it.

It's not always the kids who just dream this stuff up. It's fed to them from all angles. When my little sister was about 10 years old I was baby sitting her one day and she just wouldn't behave. As soon as she heard the words "I'm gonna spank you if you don't settle down" she spun around and informed me that I CAN'T spank her and if I did she would tell her teacher, and her teacher would have me arrested. She later told my mom the same mom called the teacher for her.

oh i remember the belt, the fly swatter, a few airborn TV guides, the fishing pole, and the almighty backhand... it wasn't always so necessary, but it kept me from doing the things that it would have been necessary for
Snitty said:
oh i remember the belt, the fly swatter, a few airborn TV guides, the fishing pole, and the almighty backhand... it wasn't always so necessary, but it kept me from doing the things that it would have been necessary for

haha! Ever get sent outside to cut the switch that you were getting ready to be spanked with? My parents had a 2" wide and 10 lbs heavy belt that nobody had worn since 1970 that they held onto for the "special occasions", when I was really bad. Holding me by one hand and spanking me with the other as I ran around in circles trying to escape.......aaaahhhhh the good old days :roll:
I believe I was a some what good kid out of fear, But I believe it is wrong, it wasnt so much the spanking it was the fear of more to come if I did bad again, I have spanked my daughter but I find it doesnt really work in my family so I dont yell, hit or anything else I just walk away, at this point my 3 year old does bad when she wants attention so if she doesnt get her way she stops.
This girl has serious issues, im not sure if I would blame the sitter or the parents, It is so possible she is learning this behavior from school, t.v. and friends. On the other hand what the hell was a machete and a bb gun doing in her reach, HELLO she is 11 years old, and kids that age are still killing themselves with those things.

BTW I dont even think I had a babysitter at 11 I was cooking and cleaning at that age.
Time to learn some responsibilities.

I am 21... Back when I was younger, if I was doing something stupid, I would get a swat across the backside... Not for not cleaning up my room, or yelling at the cat, or something like that, but mouthing off, or doing something dangerous that I had been told not to do... I think that is the key factor, parents need to raise their kids. My parents laid it out for me pure and simple, be respectful to others, listen when they told me something, things like that... Take guns for instance... My parents didn't hide them away and pretend they did not exist, and they would always answer my questions. I said What's that? My dad replied This is a 12 gauge shotgun. I asked what does it do? He replied that it blows large holes in things, and can hurt people, and I was not to touch it without him in the room... And that was that. No muss, no fuss, and I understood that, and respected it, as I had been told, just like many other things. And I think I am a better person from it. Sure, I didn't like getting swatted, but when I am shopping or something, and see these kids just screaming and throwing, and kicking, and swearing at a frightfully early age, I remember the lessons my parents taught me, and am very pleased that I did not turn out like that.
Help!!! Transmission issue with my CJ

Whoopings are what we called em! Dad only had to look that dad way to send the shivers down my back. If you go thte look you set down and stayed way queit! If you got the look a second time it was just all to over, for now you are safe but when we are in private your butt is mine. If you got a third look it did not matter your whooped right there in front of who ever was there and again later to prove the soft whoopin was not a mistake while in front of the others.

Momma would say get me a switch!!!!!!! This was with out any warrnings, No second chances, no debate. I would go in search of a switch that I thought would not hurt to bad come in with a small one and she would stripe my legs real good then say now you get out there and get me a real switch! I did smarten up and starten getting great big ol honken limbs of the biggest trees in the yard then she would not be so hard on me. Fear of killing me I guess. The other thing she was fond of was the back hand slap!!! Dang that was wicked. You would be setting there doing something fun yet very stupid in you own litle world and Wack! right up side you head. Face on fire and screaming once you got your breath again!!! Then she told you just what you did and why you should not have been doing it... Act now explain it later.

One we went to all the nice Department stores as we did every sat. morning. Being from out in the country when saturday come and that being the only day the TV had cartoons and your not wanting to leave had to pulled away for the weekly trip to town.

One fine early Saturday morning Mom had the extra cash and the blessing of my father to shop for a new church dress! So as mom was trying on the dresses I was left to waite in the store. Being all of 6 to 8 years old I was told to stand at the dress rack just outside of the dressing room door. I found myself in a world of color and texture learning so much in the center of a large round rack filled with all sorts of ladies colthes. They all had price tickets and lables when I got in there so I thought how cool this whole ticket thing is. I wants me some of them. So I started to collect them I have always been a collector. Out comes the shirt tail and like a country girl gathering eggs In her skirt I started to remove and gather the price tags..... I had me a mess of them that would make any price tag collector green with envy!! Then I felt my ear try to come off the side of my head and a strange lady wearing a name tag call out Who does this little devil belong toooooooo! Mom peaks out the curtin then bust into the main room wearing a skirt and a bra and begain her speach and physical dammage on me. We were told to leave without moms new dress and we did.

All but draged to the car we marched in a rather fast mode all the while hearing how I had gotten her thrown out of King's Department Store in front of so many other moms andI was going to get it... Well I did several times between the department store and the car.

Well you know them Blue brushs on long wood handles with the ice scraper on the ohter end. That day that very item become my moms weapon of choice. She would drive with one hand and beat me in the back seat with the other holding that ice brush. There was blue brush strand all over the car by the time we hit the rural area of home again and the lon wooden handle was bald.

To this day I wear the lables on my clothes like Mini Pearl and neve scrape the ice from my windows. tug

Remember the days when you would not screw up cause you were afraid to go home to what ever your parents were gonna do to ya!

Now a days, kids do all sorts of thing, then the first thing they do is call a lawyer so that the parents can't hit them!

Way too much PC in the world!