PLEASE VOTE! (for Alex's photo...)


New member

Last August my son took an awesome photo at Rubicon Springs, at night with only a penlight and a domelight from another Jeep. He won the Jeep Jamboree USA "Picture of the Month" for September (even though it's not a picture of our Jeep! ), and now he has a chance to win a free Jeep Jamboree trip for two if his picture receives the most votes.

One of the other contestants has evidently stacked the deck, but if everyone will vote, snd send this link to everyone in their address books and ask them to vote, and so on, in nothing flat we can out-gun the other guy.

Please vote at the link provided, scroll down and on the right side click on the September picture, and then send this message to everyone in your email network and ask them to vote for "September - Alex Haglund"

Jeep® Jamboree USA 2008 - Photo Contest

Jeep® Jamboree USA 2008 - Photo Contest


Terry Haglund
03 Rubicon

"Vote early, and vote often."

I just voted from work and will vote again when I get home. In my opinion it's the only photo in the bunch showing any kind of artistic quality.

Thanks, folks, I really appreciate your votes! The only way we will beat this other guy, though, is is you will ask people in your email address books to vote, and have them ask their friends, ad nauseum.

BTW, here is a link to my Jeep:

MPJAI Members Rides :: Jeep Details
I agree, the night time Jeep pic is much better. The "jeeps on a rock trail" pic are a dime a dozen, but I've not seen many with the impressive night sky background.
Hey Terry what's up buddy. How'd you find your way over here?

Hey, Sam!

Well, it's amazing what we'll do for our kids. :bootyshake:

But we are still so far behind in voting. Can you get all of your friends on your Facebook (or whatever) to vote, and get them to get their friends to vote? Just one chain like that and we'll cream the other guy.

How's school goin?

Terry the vote is up on Pirate, hopefully the largest 4x4 website in the world will be able to help you. I've seen them tear many voting contests like this to shreads. I also put it up on Facebook in a whole bunch of places.
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Ya'll can vote once a day, so I'm gonna try and keep this at the top for Terry. He's a good buddy of mine so ya'll best vote once a day.
Thanks, Krazy! we are slowly catching up, but we seriously need everyone who has voted to vote again, and ask all of their email contacts to vote, and to have them ask their email contacts and so forth. If you need the message to forward, here it is again...

My son Alex submitted his photo that he made last August on the Rubicon Trail to Jeep Jamboree USA and won the "Picture of the Month" for September (even though it's not a picture of my Jeep! ), and now he has a chance to win a free Jeep Jamboree trip for two if his picture receives the most votes.

Please vote at the link provided, scroll down and on the right side click on the September picture, and then send this message to everyone in your email network and ask them to vote for "September - Alex Haglund".

Jeep® Jamboree USA 2008 - Photo Contest

And here is a link to our Jeep (including a couple of pictures made on the Rubicon Trail):
MPJAI Members Rides :: Jeep Details

It looks like one of the candidates has stacked the deck!! Let's do the same thing.



Guys you can vote once an hour, so if you're sitting bored at work, do it once an hour, and from different browsers so you can vote two or three times an hour!