power band of a 258


New member

what is rpm range is the power band of a 258?


from about 2 rpms to about 1500 rpms.

well, not that bad, I think they list the torqe peak around 1900 and the horsepower peak around 3000. From what I've read, its common for factory ones to run out of breath around 3500, my old motor did. Some say a good a good ignition upgrade will let it pull to 5000, but the stronger part is still gonna be on the lower end. If I was gonna name a band, I'd guess the most power is from about 1500 up to 2700.

Its built kinda like a tractor motor, pretty much all low end, great for off-road, not so hot on the interstate.

JMO, -keith[addsig]

wow.... old topic, amazing how dumb i used to be.... now im smart, thanks to jeepz

motor work is fun... really fun... at least for me... then... when people say "why isn't mine that strong"... you say "I didn't build yours"