Site map poll

Do you mean Yes remove it or Yes keep it. I voted Yes remove it. I hate that thing All of the info is in the toolbar and when it pops up it invades other windows I am working on. Dump it please.
I say remove it, it seems pretty repetative with the main menu right below it. Anything that is not in the main menu and in the site map should just be moved down to the fixed main menu. I always hit that thing too, sometimes it freezes my browser.

By “site map,” I think what is meant is the area that I have boxed in the color red in the attached picture. Note that the cursor is hovering over the “site map” hot-spot. That makes the area I boxed in red pop-up and become visible.

(Note: I am showing only a portion of the browser screen and “site map.” I cropped the screen-shot to cut down the picture file size.)


I don’t care if the “site map” stays or goes, so I did not vote. My objective here was to answer the “what-is-it” question.

Hopefully, I have answered that question correctly.



PS: The pop-up thingy might not be active or functional on all computers.
Top left of every page, right under "". It is an annoyance when your cursor accidentally moves over it and it drops down, staying down until you click on something else.

I'd say remove it or make it so it goes back up once your cursor moves off of it.

Got you I just never use it so it does not bother me either. Stay or go no worry! tug

i dont really care, but i would have to say remove it, everytime i move my mouse over that it freezes up my IE and i have to forse everything to shut down and start all my programs up again.. other than that i never used it so down with the usless stuff and make something else

i've never once had a problem hitting the site map... and when i do intentionally hover it, it has never froze up on me... EXCEPT when i just now went to look at it for the heck of it....

though... i never have a reason to have my cursor in that area when i am at the top of a page... i always each thread in its own window so i'm not using the back button all the time, and if one window does get an error, its only that one window
fuel leak question

that sux snitty, just try it for the heck of it and it freezes up hehehe, it happens to me all the time when i go to use the back button it gets annoying hehhe
I wonder if my pop-up stopper disables it or what ?

That menu appears to be a Java (Not javascript) app. Therefore it isn't a pop-up window and a Pop-up blocker would not stop it from working.

I still believe that some people are having problems with it freezing their browsers due to a bug in their browser version or Java plugin. The best solution here until something is done about the menu would be to ensure you have the most current version of your browser and a recent Java plugin (most browsers come with the Java plugin automatically). :mrgreen:

I personally don't care if it stays or goes since I never use it and I have no problems with it while using any of the browsers I tend to use:

Mozilla Firebird 0.7 (primary)
Internet Explorer 6
Mozilla 1.3

-Nick :!:

What about adding ANOTHER site map? Preferably one on the right hand side to increase the possiblity of it interfering with our browsing. Also, I'd like some floating advertisements, pop ups, and let's include chevys and fords onto the site. Oh, and I'd like to request a lowrider tech forum for those of us who want to drop our jeeps. Heheheheheeee.