Starter Removal


New member
Does anyone know what size/type bolt holds the starter on a YJ? I got one of the bolts out with a 12 point socket (3/8" if I remember correctly) but the socket just slips off the other bolt. I think what I need is called a reverse torx socket. Is this correct and what size do I need?

I got the starter off both of my YJs without any special tools, but I couldnt tell you for the life of me what size sockets/wrenches I used.
I just pulled my starter out a month ago and I needed two different sized sockets but can't remember what size I needed. They were very common special tools needed.

OK I got the reverse torx set from Sears. I think this is exactly what I need. I didn't have time today to take the bolts off, but it looks like the bolt pattern. If/when I get these off tomorrow, I'll replace the bolts with something of a more common pattern - Not unlike half the other things I have fixed/replaced. Why do these people insist on making things hard for the lackey-know-nothing's like me?
Have fun trying to wigle it out of the dust shield. HAHAHA It wasn't easy. I have changed my starter 6 times now.
I got that son of a nun off today. Even with the torx socket and air ratchet, it still did not give up easily. My total "jeep payment" - the cost of parts to keep it going - so far this month is $150. At this rate, it would be cheaper to make payments on a Rubicon. :lol: Seems like every weekend I'm working on something new.

join the club...dont count up how much you spend until you sell it or you will stop fixin stuff
I used a #12 torx socket and a swivel for the bolt on the right to get past the nut on the dust shield. That was the easy part. You have to yank that sucker out of there or it will never come out. I was almost to the point of just push starting it (lol).