Transmission Install Question


New member
WE are DEAD in the middle of a T 18 swap into an 1982 CJ 7. the only thing holding it up is the drivers side of the bellhousing will not line up right. there is about an inch to inch and half gap there. the passenger side is fine and bolted in. what could be causing this gap??? any ideas would be great!!!!

sounds like you may not have the splines on the transmission input lined shaft lined up with the splines in the clutch. unbolt the bellhousing and try to line up the splines so that the transmission and engine block mate flush with each other. you may have to twist the motor and/or transmission to line everything up. when it all lines up, it'll just slide together.
olyeller told you exactly right... just unbolt and twist untill it just slides in... a transmission jack helps ALOT and make sure it isnt slightly angled down (the transmission) when you are trying to twist it in
alright i have tried the advice listed above. however im still not getting anywhere. any other suggestions on this install? it seems as if something is holding it up or something like that. for some reason it will not slide forward anymore than the as listed above. thanks for the help and reply soon.

pilot bearing?.... if you input will not fit inside your pilot, it's not going in no matter what... and it is no use bolting one side down if the other side won't go in... everything has to go completely straight for anything to work... another tip.... when putting it in... keep the transmission in high gear.. that way, you can turn the tailshaft and help line the splines up instead of twisting the entire transmission around.
Make sure the gap between the bellhousing and engine block is the same all the way around the bellhousing. Then it just takes good 'ole wrestlin with the transmission to get the input shaft to slide into the pilot bearing. You may have to rotate the transmission slightly to get the input splines to engage the clutch disc.
if the gap is not the same... then you are not straight... if you have one side bolted down, and a gap on the other... its time to back out

by the way... this is by far the toughest part of a clutch/transmission change