Who else is having this problem??


New member
for the second time since I bought lil'bit my Temprature guage has started warming up and never going past 110 degrees. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue to me as I used to just take the Thermostat OUT completely and let the water flow. But with This Fuel injected system it upse the gas mixture to try and warm the Engine to proper operating Temp (210). Now I bought her march of 2003 so within 15 months the Jeep Thermostat has stuck open TWICE.

Easy fix or course but WHY???? It is happening so much?

sell it.. buy another one... this jeep is jinxed i think...

That might be your problem right there. Don't get the $7 one. Spend alteast 10-12. I went though three $5 ones with it never going above 165 degrees. It would hit 195 like it supposed for a about a week. After I got a failsafe it was $11 i think I haven't had a problem since. It goes right up to 195 and stays there.
derff96963 said:
That might be your problem right there. Don't get the $7 one. Spend alteast 10-12. I went though three $5 ones with it never going above 165 degrees. It would hit 195 like it supposed for a about a week. After I got a failsafe it was $11 i think I haven't had a problem since. It goes right up to 195 and stays there.
I've heard the same thing from my buddy who's a mechanic. Spend the extra $5 and get a good one.
Haven't had this problem myself but I did just have replaced 2 pulleys and a tensioner rod (under warrenty of course).

That is the third time mines been in the shop. The first time was interior stuff, from a break in. The second visit was for a squeal (which i still have), and they blame it on my lift.

I owe 15K myself, checked the other day. Mine is one year old next Friday.

Hope you get it straight Jason,


I went to Napa and got my own parts. I am going to head to Jeep with a bill for my time and the parts.
Hey 110K miles on mine, only thing I have had to replace is the radiator. other than that still pumping away!
Buy a good thermostat and test it before you put it in. Fill a pot with water and get a thermometer. When the water gets to about 150 degrees put the thermostat in and watch for it to open. It should open at about 210 degrees I think. Then take it out and make sure that it closes, use tongs for this since the water is hot. Sorry I must say that because I told my friend to take a thermostat out of a pot of hot water and he reached in with his bare hands. It was pretty funny, and he'll never do that again.