Just my luck (rant)


Active member
Well... as I was leaving work yesterday (1 PM) during a level 3 (Emergency Vehicles only) travel advisory, my radiator cracked all the way across the top thermo plastic part... I limp it to the nearest AutoZone to assess the situation. My radiator is toast & the weather with wind chill is -40 F... FML. I walk in & the guy immediately asked what happened. I told him, he offered me cookies to console me & he looked up a radiator... what are the chances that they have a 4.0 TJ radiator? Chances were good but I want liking the $148 price tag... but what choice did I have :-( They lent me a tool kit & wished me luck. I had to come in every 20 mins to thaw out & the quick disconnects on my trans line wouldn't disconnect... as it turns out, the new radiator didn't accept quick disconnect fittings anyway... so now I'm laying in the snow (without any winter gear) with a hack saw cutting my disconnects off. As we are going over the new radiator we realize that the drain plug supplied with the new radiator didn't fit into the new radiator... of course, why would it? They got out a plug box of misc. plugs & I found one to fit (from a Datsun). I got the new radiator in but couldn't get the trans lines on. The associate from AutoZone went to work under my Jeep in the snow!!! He got them on but could only get the upper rad hose attached :-( I went out & struggled for 20 mins fighting it but couldn't get it either... he went out & after many curse words he realized that we didn't remove the lower hose plug :-\ we got everything hooked up & started to fill it with ANTIfreeze... it took just under 2 gallons before it wouldn't take anymore :-( I let it run for 30 mins & it stayed right around 210. I topped off the fluid & thanked the guys for all the help... It wasn't putting out any heat but it was holding fluid! I only made it 100 ft down the road before it overheated again... I called AutoZone & talked to the guy that helped me. He said he was just leaving work & he'd stop out & see what the problem could be... we quickly gave up (7PM at this point) & he offered to take me home (one town over) & pick me up in the morning to work on it some more in the daylight... this guy was awesome & a huge lifesaver!!! Today we disconnected the upper radiator hose & dumped more fluid in... that had turned to slush overnight!!! During this ordeal, I got wind burn on my face & almost froze my knuckle to my tie rod... That was an immediate frost burn :-( That's my wicked winter story of this year... I'm gonna go nurse my wounds & a mason jar of warm apple pie... Goodnight Jeepz family. Stay warm & safe!!!

Dude! I had an issue once, a bit different, but I found if had it I towed, the cost would have been $50. I kicked myself. Now I have AAA plus for the family. Tow up to 100 mi for free.
I feel for you though. Changing the battery today took 45 min due to the cold numbing my hands.

Also be sure whatever radiator you purchase has the correct fin per sqr inch or you may have cooling issues in the summer.
That stinks. The cold makes it hard to think, and you're less likely to go over your work.

Did you end up fixing it? I'm guessing it was just an air bubble in the system right?
That sucks! It was pretty sweet the Autozone guy was smart enough to helped ya out. Both the Autozone and Advance Auto cats around my house are bumbling idiots. I had my fiance go to Advance to get supply's so I could do her oil change on her Scion TC for her. The guy sent her home with get this..... 2 qts of Royal Purple oil ($10.50 a qt) for $28 and some change. I went up there, found Spanky, asked him if he was going to pay to replace her motor when it blew up if she did the oil change. He said I had no clue what I was talking about I returned all the supply's and ordered everything from Rock Auto. Saved a few bucks too.

Naturally you would think that a person working in a parts store or garage knows a thing or two about mechanics. But by finding out the hard way, I realize ya just gotta look at and analyze everything that some one tells you or. sells you.
A lot of them are just parts changers and haven't really got what it takes to be a mechanic. I had a 65 Dodge pickup that had a blown head gasket. At the time I didn't have a clue as to what was wrong with it. It would run but blowing water out the exhaust big time. [ that's a symptom of a blown head gasket] Took it to a garage and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with it,ended up finding the problem myself. So be careful out there.
Wow ! You got awesome counter people at your autozone's ! I wouldn't even think of asking these pretty boys up here much less expect them to have a heart when a guy needs a hand . They are all a bunch of rice burner jockeys that are just arm chair wanna be mechanics .
Cant bad mouth all of them , but some of them forgot where they came from and the rest just never traveled that rite of passage in the DIY world of automotive. Damn , I had it easy the last two weekends compared to you . All I kept saying to myself was , " if you think its cold here , just think of the folks in other parts of the country , or the world where it's even more brutal ! " .
You got my respect brother . -40 below wind chills , I couldn't shine your shoes .
Man, hat's off to you and the Autozone crew! I've been in some tight spots and it's nice to see someone that will help you when it's really a crappy situation. It's hard to thank them enough. Enjoy the jar, never tried it warm...I always thought it was warm enough. Lol

Reckon people with hummers have stories like this? Didn't think so.

I got it all fixed up & although it isn't the aluminum radiator I wanted, it does have a lifetime guarantee (guaranteed to break when I need it most). It's the cleanest part on my Jeep right now. Yeah it was just an air bubble in the system. I disconnected the upper hose & added fluid from there... WORLDS EASIER doing it that way!!!