Hello To Everyone From Atlanta!


New member
I am new to the forum and currently do not have a Jeep. I am going to purchase one very soon and I am having a tough time deciding between the Wrangler and the Wrangler Unlimited. I live alone, so space is not a huge factor. But I also see the benefit of four doors. Help for a newbie???

and enjoy the forum!
Welcome to Jeepz.com

I've got a 2 door Wrangler and am happy. If it's normally just one or two of you then I'd suggest a 2 door. I go offroading a couple times a year, and put four grown men in my 2 door without problem. I see no reason to pay extra in both purchase price and fuel mileage for more Jeep than you need.

The thing that sold it for me was that a 4 door wouldn't fit inside my garage.