90 YJ Carb - race and die


New member

My 90 6cyl. will race when I am parked pointing uphill and die when parked pointing downhill. If I hit the brakes, it wants to die also. I'm guessing it may be a float problem? Any help would be great [addsig]


Get a new carb.. Thats about all i can suggest

holley makes a fuel injection conversion for like $800, might want to look into that, only a few hundred more then a new carb and it will solve all of your stalling problems!!

my 89 YJ wanted to die when i hit the brakes when i first got it.i never parked uphill so i dont know if it would race when parked like that. but i rebult my carb and it worked just fine after that. what was wrong with mine was i had a lot of crap in the bowl of the carb.[addsig]


in the how to section it tells you how to clean the idle jets in the carb. you can get a rebuilt kit for about $20. also carb shops offered rebuilt carbs for $200 w exchange. The next step is a new WEBBER carb for $400. then their"s holly fuel injection kit $900. and the last options is that jeep EFI kit for about $2100. funny how each level about doubles in price.

If you havn´t bent the float arm, a good thing to look at is the float valve. They have a tendancy to get plugged up with crude and get sticky. Aceton works good for cleanin and removing varnish buildup (or carb. cleaner). Might also have a look at the gasket, if it is broken between the float bowl and the carb throat it will dump raw fuel into the carb, the screws also have a tendancy to loosen up on the top of the carb (too tight = real loose) don´t over tighten.[addsig]