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This one ain't no hoax either....


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I was just reading about this on a local news site. Hu-freaking-mongous! Hams the size of car tires!!! :shock:
That's a big pig, but the boy is way way waaaay in the background. On a side note you should be able to kill a blue whale with far less than eight shots from a .50 :lol:

That's a big pig, but the boy is way way waaaay in the background. On a side note you should be able to kill a blue whale with far less than eight shots from a .50 :lol:

it looks to me as if he is leaning on the hog.

yeah, I wouldn't be bragging about 8 shots with a 50 cal.:D
I don't know... it would be hard as hell to hit vitals in all that mass... think about it. How deeply would the .50 penetrate is a huge factor, as is the expansion of the bullet. I could see that thing taking 8 hits to fall.

He is, afterall, an 11 yr. old ;) I bet the animal rights folks are loving that he had to chase after it for three hours shooting it 8 times. Holy smokes I bet that causes a stir... as will the part that said he shot his first deer at 5 years old. That's awesome!

Wow the freakin snout on that thing is as big as the kid's head :shock:

There gonna need a mighty big apple for that one :lol:
Yeah, I remember that one too.

I was impressed that the weight of that thing was bending the bucket on that tractor where the blocks are places... that's heavy..8)

Hogzilla was only 8 feet long and between 800 and 900 pounds. This thing is 9'4" and weighs 1051 lbs.

He shot Uncle Mongo!!!! That is one BIG PIG and not something I would want to **** off without a tank or a Jeep.

I wonder how many rounds it would take me to take that kid down? Mix in a salad junior! :lol:

The last thing that dude needs is more pork in his diet.

I dont know OutofStep....

Count the pig's length in the corresponding human torso width in the picture, the one in the first picture would be twice as long as the one in the second. It's not that I'm saying the pig isn't 1K, i'm just saying that the picture makes it look larger than it is (like that 5 pound bluegill I caught last summer...)
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