Bored at work, Safe Websites


New member
I am a bored college student, interning at a computer company.

in turn, i spend countless hours behind a computer. doing nothing for a good majority of that time.

I know the internet is a vast resource of websites that can help the day go by faster.
Being from boston i spend alot of time on:

Other websites:

I want to know, which ones do you use to kill those work day hours?

NOTE* All replies should be websites that are safe to open in a workplace/office environment, without offending anyone and without getting any interns fired. (me)

I did one of the is the results:

Number of results on Google for the keywords Jeeps and Hummers:

Jeeps( 537 000 results) versus Hummers( 128 000 results)

The winner is: Jeeps

Well I must be bored too...sorry to say Jeeps lost this one.....

Number of results on Google for the keywords Jeep and sex:

Jeep(7 650 000 results) versus sex(190 000 000 results)

The winner is: sex

I tend to spend alotta time on!!!!

No way I'd look at these sites at work. I'm too high a level for that and would be fired in a second. I do chance a look at Jeepz on occasion but even that could get me in huge trouble. I'm supposed to be looking at OSHA pages. lol


This is a great place I surf at home. I had another but its down right now: (always got new games up there is a triathalon or something now for the olympics!)


I know I'm very late in posting here, but completely forgot about a spot I used to frequent - went there again today just to catch up.

Don't know if any of you have been there, but it's worth a look. This guy is totally nuts.