diamond sheets


New member

where can i get some diamond sheets, i have little rus at the bottom of my rockers and my back corners have been hit.
just want to know who sells it.
either by sheet or prefabricated.
i live in montreal, canada. so any locals would really be helpful too

edited by: highklass, Mar 24, 2003 - 11:29 PM[addsig]

in the last issue (or maybe 2 issues ago, i dont know cause my subscription STILL hasnt started coming) of JP there was a white XJ owned by a man named Paul something or anyother, and he had some nice black diamond plating around his gas tank, does anyone know where they might sell such a thing? i know this isnt the XJ forum, but its related to diamond sheeting so i took the chace.[addsig]


i think rustys sells pre-fab'd diamond sheet for jeeps... but its pretty expensive. your best bet is gonna be LOCAL because shipping'll be pretty expensive. check out home depot and any other sort of industrial supply place you can pick something up from.
