Minneapolis I35W Bridge


New member
I have family that works close to the bridge that came down. This was a scary reminder that things happen that you just don't think ever will. All my family was home or not yet left work when the bridge went down.

It makes you think about how safe bridges are everywhere else?

Good Lord. I was watching this on the news late last night. Can you imaging what that must be like? It's horrible. How about the people who were teetering on the edge... ready to fall.. and they just came to a stop right there! Incredible. Some were literally dangling on the edge. What would you do if you were dangling? You would be in a panic to get out.. but yet if you moved? God. What a horrible thing. They interview one man who said he passed over and heard a loud noise and looked in his rear view and everything behind him was gone. Astonishing. God Bless everyone. :(
Yeah, 'specially when people like Mud are building them! :lol:

Very funny, Sparky!:shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, I'm a surveyor but I know enough about trusses, live loads, dead loads, moments and such that I wouldn't partake in building a "sub-standard" bridge..........and I wouldn't go quietly!!! That thing was in service for 30+ years...........I'm thinking some government puke (i.e. inspector) wasn't doing his job. Well built structures don't collapse without warning. I'm anxiously awaiting the findings on the "cause" of the collapse.

Here is a smoking gun, I want to remind you all about

Remember when Gov Jesse "The Body" Ventura said the Minnesota budget was going to good a few years and gave out $2 Billion dollars in "Jesse Checks"?

I'm not saying the people were not overtaxed and didn't deserve a rebate.

What I am saying is that the bridge that collapsed could have been replaced out of that 2 billion and people would still have gotten a check and if you ask 99 out of 100 Minnesotans who got a Jesse Check, they couldn't tell you one thing they spent it on.:(
I hope heads roll over this!!! This had to of been provented somewhere in all the inspections. This kind of thing just dosn't happen with out a natual event be it a earthquake or huricaine (Not likely in MN!!)
some smuck will be made the scape goat for the whole deal but the guys gettin the money under the table will slide under the rug ..........some body could have prevented this. somebody is responsible .but nobody will pay.
mostly you see Sodium chloride, Calcium chloride, Magnesium chloride being used by state DOTs for snow and ice removal, I've seen Magnesium chloride used with sand lately esp on bridges and overpasses
Well with that stuff it's easier to measure it in volume rather than weight. Think of filling a 5 gallon bucket up with it. You have 5 gallons of salt rather than however many pounds.
TwistedCopper asked if that was a solid.

Actually I asked if it was a liquid, as brine is water heavily saturated with salt. This is why it seemed redundant, and why I wondered if it was even a liquid, but since that phrase "Salt Brine" comes from a government employee, it all adds up now ;)

I usually think of cooking when I hear brine, as many will soak beef before cooking it over a spit. I also think of the ocean, you know... the ol' briny :)

Now, isn't this asSALT :D on this thread is completely uncalled for ?

Ugh that was bad :?|